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The Universal Laws

The Universal Laws

This past week I really got interested in learning more about the laws of the universe. When I googled it some said there were 12 others said there were 7. These laws are happening naturally if we understand them or not. Even when we don't understand the connection to any obstacles we encounter in our daily life. By not living in the awareness of these laws. you may feel frustrated, confused and lost about your life's purpose. You may feel everything is going wrong for you, no matter what you do, how you act or how much you plan. Things keep going totally wrong.

When people start to live their lives with the awareness of the laws of the universe. Begin to feel better, more productive, confident and feeling everything beginning to go their way. If you start to apply these universal laws you will notice a huge difference in the way you feel. So by practicing each of these laws there is such an advantage for personal word. 

I'm sure you just want me to get into the laws. Ok ok I've teased you long enough, here they are. 

1. Law of Divine Oneness

Is that everything in the universe is interconnected with one and other. All that is can relate by every word, desire, choice or beliefs that impact the world. Begin to think of yourself as part of everything that surrounds you from people, plants, animals, cars to anything that you can see or feel. We are all one and we live in accordance with this law. having the awareness of this law allows us to be more empathetic to the entire world.

2. Law of Correspondence

Relates to pattern that are repeated in the universe, these patterns can be measured on a very large to very small scale. Think of your life and see if you have any repeating pattern. Once you notice these patters it is good time to make changes on a big scale to create change in your life. Repeating patters also happen in the universe and all over the world, not just with human being.

3. Law of Polarity

The most important thing to remember that everything has an opposite. these opposites allow us to understand life. Let say when you go through a difficult time, this is went you learn to appreciate the good time that have past and that will be coming. In these moments of weakness is where you develop understanding of your life true purpose and those difficult time are there to serve you a lesson. Remember what and how the situation turned bad and choose that next time the outcome won't be the same. Without those lessons you will never understand what works and what doesn't work.

4. Law of Vibration

This law consists that of every particle in the universe is in movement and is constantly caring energy. It applies to all part of the universe like the planets and stars. However it is also part of the table you eat at or the bed you lie in, even in the food you eat. Everything has its own frequency.

5. Law of Inspired Action

This law work hand in hand with the law of attraction. When you ask the universe for something and being to visualize it manifesting. The next step is to listen to your though that make you want to take inspired action. Because moving forward with that action in a positive will bring you closer to what it is you want to manifest.

6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law states that everything around us is always in movement. Although you can't see those changes because they exist in a cellular and/or atomic vibration always in movement. By staying in a high vibration you can trigger improvement int your life. The more you surround yourself with thing, people or situation in a high vibration. By law your vibration will begin to resinate at that same frequency and allow more high vibration situations.

7. Law of Rhythm

Focuses on movement that all things come in cycles. This is very prominent in nature with the season changing. It equally applies to stages in peoples lives. Live to appreciate what is happening in the moment, because nothing is permanent. So remember to enjoy it while it last.

8. Law of Compensation

This law states that you will receive what you put out. It helps to know that compensation comes in many forms. You should always remember to treat other and the planet with respect, because in the end you can reap what you sow. Lets say you got a promotion at work. Depending on how you preform in this new position can dictate how it plays out. It could lead to not as of a good opportunity as you though or to the best opportunity you could've ever imagined for your life.

9. Law of Gender

Refers to two types of energy male and female or yin and yang. Everything contains an amount of both energies. To live an authentic happy life you need to find balance between the two. to find that balance examen if energy plays an equal part in your life, does one exceed another.

10. Law of Relativity

Is when we evaluate a situation, person, action, emotion or experience as good or bad. You begin to compare that moment or situation with something or someone else reality. Become conscious of this law that there is always multiple perception of what is happening to you. Try and find the positive and become grateful for the situation.

11. Law of Attraction

This law is all about like attracting like. In order to receive what you desire you must vibrate at the same frequency of that desire. The best way to practice this law is by being positive, loving, optimistic, appreciation and grateful to attract more of those emotions into your life. Although you need to remember if you have thoughts of fear, jealousy, judgement, anger or revenge this will bring more negative into your life. By acting positive today you are already bringing more positivity into your life.

12. Law of Cause and Effect

For this law it's about how all action have a reaction. This one is pretty easy to understand because I'm sure a lot of you see this law already happening around you in a physical aspect. My advices to you is next time you take action on something will it cause a positive or negative reaction. Ask yourself is that truly the reaction I want to have a more positive life to manifest what it is I desire.

If you begin to apply some or all of these Universal Laws to your daily life, I promise you will begin to see a drastic change!
Let me know if any of these Universal Laws resinate with you? Or ones you will start practicing...

xoxo ItalianGem 


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