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Smudging Ritual

Over the weekend my family and I were invited to my cousins, for a house warming party. As I started talking to my mom about what to get her, a Smudging Kit came to mind. Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing commonly known today as Smudging. It’s a powerful spiritual cleansing technique to purify any space or a brand new home. I had so much fun creating the Smudging Kit. I wanted to share it with you so you can make your own or for family and friend. The kit has all the essential needed smudge stick, small bowl, lighter, candle, feather bundle, and a couple pink quartz to spread the love. 

I got excited and started to do some research, I want to know when saging first started, what were the benefits, how often should it be done, where can you buy it and so many more questions. I say that it all started with the Native American to bless an area using sage, flowers and other herbs to clear any unwanted negative energy. This Ceremonial Tradition helps any space feel free of negative energy, and set positive intentions to restore the balance back to normal.

So I started thinking to myself how hard can it be to make my own sage smudging stick. And honestly it’s very simple to make. All you need is a few items. For my DIY smudge stick I added sage (obviously), rosemary and cedar leaves. The benefits that you get by combining all these together are clears negative energy, cleanses, purifies and protects. Since the sage bundle is made from scratch it has to dry before preforming the smudging. 

How to Smudge:

1. State an intension to drive away all unwanted negativity. Some good example are, “I remove all negative energy and only allow positive energy to enter” or “I cleanse my home and remove all negative energy”.

2. Open a few windows around your home

3. Light the end of your smudge stick. Once lite blow out the flame to create smoke and let it burn until it begins to smolder. 

4. Use the feather to help guide the smoke. When cleasing your home, move around in a clockwise patter. Wave the smudge stick in and around all corners of each room, especially in shadow areas.

5. My favourite mantra for smudging is, “I remove all negative energy and only allow positive energy to enter”. Remember to keep repeating your intention over and over in your mind or out loud, as you go through your home.

6. Once you’ve gone threw your home, place the smudge stick into small bowl in the middle of your home and allow to burn. After burning for 10 min extinguish the smudge stick.

When my cousin and her husband opened the box they were pleasantly surprise and grateful for what I had made for them. My cousins was excited because she said she felt like her house was haunted. I’m so please they loved the smudging kit.  

Leave any comments or questions below.

xoxo ItalianGem


  1. Thanks for idea and instructions. Years ago I have been a witnessing one such ritual. It was very emotional.


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